This workshop has been cancelled due to low enrolment
X2C: Open Source Tool for the Model-Based Development and Code Generation of Real-Time Control Algorithms
Organizers: Stefan Fragner
X2C is a free and open source tool for the model-based development and code generation of real-time control algorithms for micro processor units. X2C uses the open source environment Scilab/Xcos for building the graphical control model. With Scilab/Xcos, the model can be simulated and the behaviour of the algorithm can be validated before it is actually executed on the target. This workshop intends to provide an overview on the capabilities of X2C and to show the benefits of using a code generation tool for implementing a graphically designed control algorithm. In a hands-on tutorial, the interested user is guided through the core features, starting with creating a model in Scilab/Xcos, simulation of this model, and automatic code generation. Also the real-time debugging possibilities will be discussed.
Workshop goals:
The primary goal of the workshop is to provide an overview on the capabilities of X2C. By attending the workshop, the participants are introduced to the workflow of a complete code generation process for micro controllers or digital signal processors . In particular, the participants should be informed about modelling the control algorithm, how to simulate the model, how to generate C-code, and how to debug the model in real-time.
Synopsis of workshop content and major topics:
The workshop starts with a presentation of X2C, including explanations about its structure and its core benefits and features.
The main interactive part is dedicated to introducing the participants to the workflow of X2C. By means of simple demonstration examples, the modelling of control algorithms in Scilab/Xcos will be shown. Also the possibility to validate the correct behaviour via simulation in Xcos will be presented. The main focus will lie on how to create C-code ready for compilation in the target’s IDE and how to debug the running control algorithm in real-time.
Intended audience:
The workshop addresses researches in the field of model-based control which have no experience in programming digital signal processors or who do not want spent time programming control algorithms manually.
Workshop length and schedule:
The workshop takes half a day with approximately one hour being spent on presenting the fundamentals of X2C and its features. The remaining time will be available for the participants to get in touch with the software, i.e. to set up an exemplary model, simulate the model and create compilable C-code.
No specific knowledge of control theory is required for attending the workshop. For the participants to actively take part in the hands -on tutorial, a laptop running Microsoft Windows 7 (32 or 64 bit) or later is required. An installer for X2C along with exemplary models will be provided ahead of the workshop; support for the installation will be given on site. A Scilab/Xcos installation (version 5.5.0 or later) is required for the example models.