The European Control Association (EUCA) is promoting a new "European Control Award" to recognize outstanding contributions by a young researcher in the area of systems and control.
The award is sponsored by the European Control Association (EUCA), and will be presented during the annual European Control Conference.
The recipient will give a plenary lecture during the final day of the ECC 2015.
Details of this award and the nomination procedure can be found here.
We encourage you to identify and to promote potential candidates for the European Control Award 2015, before January 15th 2015.
Best Student Paper Award
The Best Student Paper award recognizes the excellence in a conference contribution of a student as main author.
Accepted final papers which are submitted with a student registration (and where the main author was a student at the time paper was written) are eligible and will be considered automatically for the award. The contributions will be ranked based on the ratings they received during the review process. A limited number of papers, which achieved the highest ratings, will be nominated for the award. The final assessment will be done by the Awards Chair, who will be carefully reviewing the nominated contributions and the award committee recommendations and choose the most outstanding one.
Award committees: Manfred Deistler, Rodolphe Sepulchre, Hitay Özbay
Best Application Paper Award
This award is dedicated to conference contributions with a strong application background, e.g. by applying advanced control methods to a challenging industrial application.
During the review process all submitted contributions will be assessed for their application relevance and thus the eligibility for the award. The assessment will be made by the conference editors, who will select if a contribution qualifies as application paper. All accepted papers which are qualified as application related will be considered for the Best Application Paper award. Based on the ratings achieved during the review the contributions will be ranked and a limited number of papers will be nominated for the award. Again, the Awards Chair will provide a final assessment of the nominated papers considering the award committee recommendations and select the most outstanding contribution.
Award committees: Manfred Deistler, Michael Paulweber, Manfred NaderStudent Competition
Students were invited to participate in a student competition based on a high quality Simulink® model of a gasoline engine provided by Toyota as a benchmark. The participants were required to design a control algorithm which minimizes the consumption of this engine over a prescribed cycle. No special knowledge about engine control was required. Participants are expected to present their approach and results as a regular peer reviewed paper.
The student competition session takes place on Thursday July 16, 09:50 – 11:50 in HS7.