
Ausgewählte Kapitel der Regelsysteme

Abhaltung SS 2019
Termin Block
Zeit siehe KUSSS
LVA Leiter Dr. Gian Paolo Incremona


Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung:


The Course will provide the main elements to design advanced control schemes based on the genuine use of predictive controllers and sliding mode approaches, applied to complex systems.


Learn the basic ingredients to design robust predictive controllers, also of switched nature, and combine it with sliding mode algorithms. Implementation in Matlab Simulink of some algorithms explained during the course.


Part 1:

Overview on Model Predictive Control Approaches and Robust Model Predictive Control. Switched Predictive Control. Applications to automotive and railway systems.

Part 2:

Overview on Sliding Mode Control. Constrained Sliding Mode Control. Networked Sliding Mode Control. Applications. Implementation of simple sliding mode control schemes in Matlab/Simulink.

Part 3:

Model Predictive Control combined with Sliding Mode Control. Applications.

Instruction Language:


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