Dr. Gerald Steinmaurer


  • University Assistant (1999 - 2003)
  • Research Assistant (2003-2005)

Actual address

  • ASIC - Austria Solar Innovation Center


  • Technical High-School, Electrial Engineering, Wels
  • Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering (Automatic Control), TU Graz
  • Dr.techn. of Engineering Sciences at JK University Linz

Research Interests

  • Optimal control of power sources with storage abilty:

    In several applications, but especially in passenger cars, several energy producing and storage systems are interconnected. This applies for instance for the driveline of hybrid vehicles, as well as of 42V-vehicles with crankshaft starter/generator, but also the heat flows in a vehicle can be represented in the same way. The efficiency of energy producing systems depends strongly on the operating point, and so does the efficiency of the storage system. Therefore, if both kinds of subsystems are operated in a sensible way, we can expect to get better overall performances.


  • AUTOSIM, in cooperation with AVL List GmbH, Graz: - Automatic parameter-identification of the driver and the drivetrain of a vehicle - driver index evaluation - predictive speed control - move off and gear shift control on dynamical test benches - Simulation of transmissions on a dynamical test bench with particular regard to temperature influence - Controller design for dynamical test benches
  • Direct hydrogen fuel cell module for vehicle drives und APUs (5kW), in cooperation with 6 SME and research centers The target of the project is the development and test of a prototype PEM ? fuel cell module for mobile applications and auxilliary power units. The system will be designed as cascadable modules for vehicle-suited applications (APU and vehicle primary drive) which is fed by compressed hydrogen fuel. The unit will provide an innovative drive for transportation of passengers and goods in industry, zero emission zones (habitat, dwelling) and within recreational fields.
  • 'Smart Tires', in cooperation with the Politecnico di Milano: The goal of the project is the development of an innovative solution for estimating the contact forces between tires and the road. In particular, the idea is to evaluate the forces using sensors and digital signal processors placed within the tires. 
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